Financial FAQs
How much of my donation goes to directly support the programs of CEDEPCA?
CEDEPCA USA provides safe and secure transfer of funds to CEDEPCA in Guatemala. CEDEPCA receives more than 96% of all contributions, with less than 4% of expenditures used by CEDEPCA USA for processing, promotion and administration.
Is my donation tax deductible?
CEDEPCA USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization exempt from federal income taxation. Donations are tax-deductible for United States citizens. For donors outside of the United States, please consult with your tax advisor to determine whether your donation is tax-deductible.
Does CEDEPCA USA have annual audits?
CEDEPCA USA financial records are reviewed annually by an independent accountant.
Where can I see CEDEPCA USA's 990 Forms?
Please contact us at info@cedepca.us and we will email you a PDF of our latest 990 Form. Let us know if you want to see earlier forms as well. All are on file and available upon request.
Do you share or sell your donor or mailing lists?
No! CEDEPCA USA values your support, and we are committed to protecting your privacy. We will not share or sell your data for commercial use, or for any use that is not directly linked to our activities or to the use for which you have entered the data.