CEDEPCA USA is the partner organization which supports the work of CEDEPCA in Central America. Our board is a multi-denominational, geographically diverse group of pastors, professionals, and lay persons, with longstanding personal ties with CEDEPCA in Central America.
CEDEPCA USA was formed in 2009 as a U.S. 501(c)(3) organization to support CEDEPCA with fundraising and outreach throughout the United States.
CEDEPCA (Guatemala), the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America, is a non-profit education organization headquartered in Guatemala City. For more than 30 years, CEDEPCA has been transforming lives in four ministry areas: Disaster Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Intercultural Encounters, and Biblical and Theological Education Program.

"At CEDEPCA we believe it is impossible to transform Guatemala in one week, but in one week Guatemala will transform you."